27 September 2010

A Little Less Review, A Little More Stew - Monday

All in all, it went pretty well!  Monday's meal was Roasted Tilapia with Lemon and Baby Potatoes.

Not being a huge fish fan, I was not super stoked, but the fish was my favourite part!!!  It was sprinkled with paprika and that was, in a word, awesome!  I was a little peeved to be asked to buy fresh thyme when I would only be using 8 sprigs - but alas, such is life.

Want to experience the journey with me?  Follow along :)

First things first - I organized my ingredients.  Pretty simple really...Note the large container of fresh thyme (sigh)
They didn't have baby potatoes at the market, so I settled for new potatoes (are these one in the same?) and instead of halving them, we quartered them.

Here is everything, all ready for the oven.  This only took about 8 minutes to wash, cut and toss together.
After cooking for a little while, the little fishies were ready to meet their maker.

Here, the taters are almost done and the fish is sprinkled with the delicious paprika and s & p.

Oh my, this is a weird shaped photo!  Anyway, here is everything all cooked and ready to eat.

J and I each had one piece of fish and about a quarter (maybe more) of the potatoes, and that was enough.

We've still go enough for leftovers tomorrow and we both can't wait to show off to our coworkers :)

J's comments - fish was flaky, "It tasted the way fish is supposed to taste", he would take the lemon out before plating (but I thought it looked pretty).

My only critique - Not being a fan of olives, I found there were WAY to many in the recipe.  It called for 1/2 cup and I only put in about 6.  They flavoured everything in the meal, and that was okay, but I really didn't enjoy biting down into them...so if you're an olive fan - GO FOR IT!  Otherwise, I would pull them out after cooking / before plating.

A demain!


  1. I'm so excited with this new addition to your blog! Can't wait to see what tomorrow night's meal is going to be!!

  2. Thanks L!

    Tonight's dinner was also rad, hope you enjoy!
