30 September 2010

A Little Less Review, A Little More Stew - Thursday

Not a keeper.  Tonight's recipe was breaded pork cutlets with spicy udon noodles and it went awry from the very beginning.  The first step was to boil the udon noodles in chicken stock / ginger until the noodles absorbed most of the stock (about 5-6 minutes).  Well, the noodles absorbed hardly anything (they aren't a dry noodle, but rather like long, delicious gooey fresh stuff) and so now I have some type of noodle soup and it was simply a travesty to food everywhere when I put the yummy, crispy breaded pork "on top" of the soupy disaster.  All of the breading got all soggy and it just looked gross.

I took some photos as I cooked, but they were just nasty up close.  Although I maintain that it was the recipe's fault (and not the cook's), I didn't want all of you to see my shameful attempt at a meal.  Anyhoos, here's the only one you're getting.  

Needless to say, J wasn't a fan - especially when he got a mouthful of poorly chopped ginger...oops!  Now that one was my bad (can't blame the recipe for everything).

Wish me luck with tomorrow - and lot's of it, because we're cooking steak and J might kick me out of the house if I ruin that!

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