Title: Julia's Kitchen Wisdom
Author: J. Child
Genre / Pages: Nonfiction, Cooking / 160
Publication: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2009
Rating: 3rd shelf
Source: borrowed from Mom
lj's plot in one pot: Julia's "basic" methods for no fail "simple" cooking.
Author: J. Child
Genre / Pages: Nonfiction, Cooking / 160
Publication: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2009
Rating: 3rd shelf
Source: borrowed from Mom
lj's plot in one pot: Julia's "basic" methods for no fail "simple" cooking.
Hardy har har. I love Julia Child, I really do. I think her "Mastering the Art..." cookbooks belong in a museum, let alone in the kitchens of people everywhere. However, let's not kid ourselves that ANY of this is simple or basic. For pete's sake her recipe for making hard boiled eggs is almost a page long! That being said, she is still adorable and her love affair with food is definitely admirable, if not contagious.
So this book is not the "cooking for dummies" that I thought it might be, but that is just a marketing problem. Julia's little tips come alive in this book, you get the sense that you are once again little, watching t.v. in the rec room and have stumbled upon this hilariously large enthusiastic woman playing with geese carcass. Her words are truly hers, and if you love her, you'll love this book.
"[This book] is aimed at those who are tolerably familiar with culinary language..." p.ix
For more Julia, check out the PBS website, here .